3 Ways to Keep Your Law Firm Afloat With SEO & Digital Marketing

Last Updated: December 20, 2023

In This Article

With business all over the world being greatly stricken by COVID-19, industries continue to find themselves in a rough financial patch, even more so in the case of law firms.

Within a few months alone, many law firms have found themselves having to close shop, make significant sacrifices, or adapt as clients continue to drop out, and expenses remain high. While courts all over America have made their move to adapt as lockdown measures remain in place by holding hearings over the phone or online, many firms still continue to face a challenge that holds back the continuity of their business.

Despite the growing challenges and impact that the pandemic has caused, there’s one solution that you can use to help your business stand out and come back stronger: Doubling down on your Search Engine Optimization and digital marketing efforts.

A few tips you can get started on

As the Internet continues to experience a continued rise in companies going online to adapt, law firms now have the opportunity to turn the tides in their favor. With more prospective clients on the web with far more time to listen and connect, practitioners can adapt, drive growth, and overcome extended revenue losses by getting their name out there!

If you have a law firm that’s struggling to make it through this pandemic because of all the limitations and restrictions, here are three tips you can start applying to see results:

Tip #1: Utilize the power of webinars by planning and launching some of your own

Now that prospective clients have more time to listen, one crucial practice that has shown to be effective for any law firm dealing with the effects of lockdown is running a series of webinars.

When done correctly, these online modules of free learning act as a great opener that any firm can use to initiate dialogue with interested clients because they provide the packets of value consumers look for. Through a webinar, you’ll be able to cash in on one of the most effective learning formats while interacting better through polls and Q&A segments that will help establish your authority!

Tip #2: Start adapting your keywords

One essential effect that law firms need to watch out for when trying to capitalize on the power of digital marketing is the significant spike in search engine traffic. This is essentially a window of opportunity if you’re quick enough to take action.

Although the current financial blows you’re taking may seem like a perfect reason to cut costs, now is the time to start reworking your keywords to get you a farther reach with your content. For instance, following a format like “Online law firm in (your area)” or “Online (field of law) lawyer in (your area)” when tweaking your list of targeted long-tail keywords will boost the results of your efforts!

Tip #3: Write articles and build your content

If there’s anything that’s going to carry your law firm through this pandemic and help it come out stronger over time, it’s producing high-value content that gives value to your potential clients and convinces them of your expertise. With articles that cover specific topics in the aspects of the law that you specialize in and social media posts filled with valuable insight, you can build your law firm’s image to rake in more clients in no time!


Although the conditions today may pose a significant challenge for any law firm, there’s no need to fear because kicking your SEO and digital marketing efforts into overdrive will definitely help. Through the use of the three tips mentioned above, you’ll start seeing significant results and keep the clients coming back in no time!

We specialize in providing small businesses with affordable SEO services in North Carolina. If you are seeking professional help in keeping your law firm alive, visit our website today to get advice and tips on all things SEO!