How to Get More Online Reviews For Your Business in 2024

Last Updated: January 5, 2024

In This Article

Online reviews are make-or-break for modern businesses. Reviews influence consumer decisions and search rankings. But getting reviews can be challenging. A strategic approach to get more online reviews can influence potential customers, impact search engine rankings and ultimately affect a company’s bottom line. They wield the power to sway potential customers, shape search engine rankings, and ultimately, drive a company’s profitability.

This comprehensive guide covers why reviews are crucial, types of reviews and proven strategies to start getting more online reviews to boost your business.

Why Online Reviews Are Important

Online reviews are crucial for businesses in the digital age for several reasons. Online reviews provide social proof, influence purchasing decisions, enhance SEO rankings and can set a business apart from competitors. They are a testament to a business’s quality and customer satisfaction. Here are some key reasons why it’s important to get more online reviews and make them a priority.

1. Social Proof

Online reviews serve as testimonials from real-life customers, providing a form of social proof that is more relatable than traditional advertising. They offer potential customers a glimpse into the quality, value and reliability of a product or service, significantly influencing purchasing decisions. A survey by BrightLocal found that 95% of people read online reviews for local businesses, and research shows that 93% of consumers say online reviews affect their shopping choices.

2. Higher Rankings

Online reviews can enhance a business’s local Search Engine Optimization (SEO), making it more visible on search engines like Google. Search engines value relevant content and reviews sprinkled with location-specific keywords can significantly boost a business’s visibility in local search results. Businesses with a consistent stream of positive reviews are more likely to enjoy increased visibility and consequently, more foot traffic.

3. Reputation Management

Online reviews allow businesses to manage their reputation by showcasing their strengths and addressing any weaknesses. Responsiveness to criticism not only builds credibility with potential customers but also signals to search engines that the business values customer feedback. Proactively managing online reviews can help dilute the impact of any negative reviews and turn them into opportunities for improvement and customer engagement.

4. Competitive Edge

A strong review profile can set a business apart from its competitors. Consumers often compare review profiles when making purchasing decisions, and having more and better reviews than competitors can give a business a competitive advantage. Positive online reviews can help build trust between customers and a brand, showing that the company’s products or services meet or exceed expectations.

Types of Reviews 

There are in-person reviews based on physical experiences and online reviews for virtual interactions.

In-Person Reviews

In-person reviews are feedback based on first-hand experiences at a physical business location. These reviews are typically posted on platforms like Google, Facebook and Yelp. They provide valuable insights into a customer’s experience with a business’s products or services, and can significantly influence potential customers perceptions and buying decisions. In person reviews also offer businesses the opportunity to manage their reputation proactively and improve their services based on the feedback received.

Online Reviews

Reviews focusing on virtual interactions on your website or with remote products/services ordered online. Common on platforms like Trustpilot or Amazon.

Ideally, work to get both in-person and online reviews to cover both angles. Tailor strategies to each. Online shoppers weigh online reviews heavily.

Requirements for Google Reviews 

Optimize by getting at least 20-30 genuine reviews, responding to both positive and negative reviews professionally and avoiding fake reviews. Google Reviews power important components like the local business profile in Google Search and Maps. Optimize Google Reviews with these tips:

Quantity- Get at least 20-30 Google reviews for a strong profile. Recent reviews are weighted more heavily.

Respond – Reply professionally to both positive and negative Google reviews when able. This shows customers you value feedback.

Authenticity – Avoid fake positive reviews. Focus on getting genuine customers to leave honest Google reviews of their experience.

Relevance – Encourage customers to include relevant details of their time at your business in reviews when possible.

Following Google’s review guidelines will enhance your brand’s presence on their dominant search and maps platforms.

How to Get Online Reviews

Effective tactics include adding review links to emails, running targeted social media campaigns, adding a review button to your site, asking customers directly and partnering with influencers.

1. Add Review Links to Emails

Adding review links to emails is a strategic way to invite customers to leave reviews subtly. This can be done by incorporating review links into various email communications such as signature lines, post-purchase emails and newsletters. The process involves creating a short, easy-to-remember URL for your review page and embedding it in your emails. 

When customers click on this link, they can easily leave a review for your business. This strategy not only simplifies the review process for customers but also increases the likelihood of receiving feedback.

2. Run Targeted Social Media Campaigns

Running targeted social media campaigns is an effective way to encourage customers to leave reviews. Businesses can offer incentives such as discounts or perks to customers who leave reviews on platforms like Facebook or Instagram. This strategy not only motivates customers to share their experiences but also enhances engagement and visibility on social media. 

It is important to ensure that the campaign is well-targeted to reach the right audience and that the process of leaving a review is made easy and straightforward for the customers.

3. Add a Review Button to Your Site

Adding a review button to your website is a strategic move to encourage customers to leave feedback and get more online reviews. This involves creating a visible, user-friendly button that directs users to a page where they can leave a review. The presence of this button simplifies the review process making it more likely for customers to share their experiences. 

It also provides social proof, enhancing your business’s credibility and potentially influencing purchasing decisions. Moreover, it can contribute to SEO, as search engines often consider user-generated content like reviews in their ranking algorithms.

4. Ask Customers Directly

Asking customers directly for reviews can be a highly effective strategy to get more online reviews. This can be done verbally by staff members following customer interactions or transactions. The key is to choose the right moment, typically when a customer has expressed satisfaction with your product or service. 

The request should be polite and genuine, not forced or scripted. It’s also important to provide clear instructions on how to leave a review. This direct approach can lead to high-quality, authentic reviews, as it often comes at a moment of positive customer experience.

5. Partner With Influencers

Partnering with influencers can significantly boost brand awareness and credibility. Influencers with their large and engaged followings can endorse your products or services which often carries more weight than traditional advertising due to the trust they’ve built with their audience. 

Offering free products or services to influencers in exchange for reviews or endorsements is a common practice to get more online reviews. This not only provides influencers with a tangible experience of your product but also incentivizes them to share their authentic opinions with their followers. However, it is crucial to choose influencers who align with your brand and to build genuine relationships with them for successful collaborations.

6. Include Flyers or Inserts 

Including flyers or inserts in your customer’s packages or handing them out at checkout is an effective way to request reviews. These materials can contain a polite request for feedback, along with clear instructions on how to leave a review. Some businesses even include a QR code that directs customers straight to the review page, simplifying the process. 

This strategy can be particularly effective in helping you get more online reviews, as it reaches customers who have recently interacted with your product or service and their experience is fresh in their minds. It’s important to ensure that the design of the flyer or insert is eye-catching and aligns with your brand to increase the likelihood of customers leaving a review.

7. Run Contests and Giveaways

Running contests and giveaways is a creative strategy to incentivize customers to leave online reviews. By offering entry into sweepstakes for those who submit reviews, businesses can motivate customers to share their experiences. This approach not only increases the number of reviews but also engages customers and can create a buzz around the brand. It’s important to ensure that the contest is easy to enter and that the rules are clear. 

8. Leverage QR Codes 

Leveraging QR codes in your business can be an effective strategy to encourage customers to leave reviews and get more online reviews. By placing QR codes around your location, customers can easily scan the code with their smartphones and be directed to a page where they can leave a review. This method simplifies the review process, making it more likely for customers to share their experiences. It is important to place the QR codes in visible and accessible areas to maximize their use. 

The QR codes can be incorporated into various marketing materials, both physical and digital to bridge the gap between offline and online interactions. This strategy can lead to an increase in customer feedback, providing valuable insights for your business.

9. Be Responsive To Get More Online Reviews 

Being responsive to reviews is crucial for businesses looking to get more online reviews. Being responsive builds trust, enhances brand image and encourages more customers to leave reviews, both positive and negative. This can build trust, enhance brand image and encourage more customers to leave reviews. Responding to negative reviews allows businesses to address issues, potentially turning a negative experience into a positive one.

On the other hand, acknowledging positive reviews can reinforce customer satisfaction and loyalty. It’s important to respond in a timely, professional and courteous manner, showing that the business is committed to providing excellent customer service.

10. Monitor and Analyze

Monitoring and analyzing review generation efforts is a crucial part of a business’s online reputation management strategy to get more online reviews. By using analytics, businesses can identify which strategies are most effective in generating reviews. This could involve tracking the number of reviews received from different initiatives, the sentiment of these reviews and the impact on overall ratings. 

The insights gained from this analysis can then be used to refine and focus efforts on the most successful strategies, thereby optimizing the process of review generation.

Benefits of Positive Reviews

Putting effort into getting more online reviews pays dividends through:

  • Increased conversion rates and sales
  • Improved local SEO rankings  
  • Higher customer trust and loyalty  
  • Competitive edge over competitors
  • Enhanced brand reputation and authority
  • Positive word-of-mouth referrals

 Reviews make a massive impact and are well worth dedicating resources towards.

Impact of Negative Reviews 

Negative reviews aren’t inherently bad and are inevitable at times. A few negative reviews mixed with mostly positive can add credibility. But excessive negative reviews can hurt businesses by:

  • Turning customers away and lowering conversions
  • Creating distrust in potential customers  
  • Forcing price cuts to remain competitive
  • Damaging staff morale and productivity
  • Enabling competitors to gain advantage

It’s vital to minimize avoidable negative reviews through service quality and active reputation management.

How to Deal with Fake and Negative Reviews

Review manipulation is against most platform guidelines. Avoid posting fake positive reviews of your own business. Instead, focus on providing a great customer experience to earn authentic praise and get more online reviews. Being responsive and taking the high ground will limit negatives and bolster your brand in the long run.

To deal with fake and negative reviews:

Verify the Review: Ensure the review is legitimate and not from a competitor or spammer.

Respond Professionally: Acknowledge the issue, apologize if necessary, and offer to resolve it.

Report Fake Reviews: Use the platform’s reporting system to flag reviews that violate policies.

Learn from Feedback: Use negative reviews to identify areas for improvement.


In the digital age, online reviews dictate consumer opinions and buying decisions. Getting more online reviews should be a high priority for any modern business, as it helps to get more online reviews effectively. 

Diligently working to build a strong online reputation through quality reviews should be part of every business’s marketing strategy to get more online reviews. Satisfied customers are eager to share their positive experiences when simply asked. Maintain a focus on providing excellent service that meets and exceeds expectations to earn that praise organically.

Combine those efforts with proactive initiatives to request and get more online reviews across all platforms where your brand is discovered and evaluated. With persistence and care in managing your online presence, your business can leverage reviews as social proof to build credibility, trust and an authoritative brand image that resonates louder than any negative feedback.